TENTATION "Le Berceau Des Dieux" 2021

TENTATION "Le Berceau Des Dieux" 2021

Review Published: 29 December 2021
  • Label: GATES OF HELL Records
  • Format: CD/LP/Cassette/Digital
  • Release Date: 24.09.2021

TENTATION could be the musical synthesis of what a mix of some IRON MAIDEN, MERCYFUL FATE, TOKYO BLADE, ACCEPT albums could have sound like at that time, with french lyrics in the tradition of the "Made In France" Heavy-Metal's biggest names, that were (still are - for some of them) ADX, H-BOMB and SORTILEGE to name a few... The handling of the language, the way to write the texts are done with class and the rendering is very rich !
But TENTATION are also the only proper "HEAVY-METAL" band that kicked my ass so badly in 2021 ... Well, I haven't listened to all the releases of the genre, but to be honest, I think the style has become a bit unproductive these last years.. too much "copycats", no real surprises... (let's make it clear, my feeling is that the style is running out of steam - change my mind !).
First, after a few releases on various french labels only (INFERNÖ Records, IMPIOUS DESECRATION Records, LA FIN DU MONDE Records, FORGOTTEN WISDOM Productions) since 2015, it's really encouraging to see them signed on an international label, GATES OF HELL Records from Italy, known for being a very serious & 100% authentic HEAVY-METAL label !
So what about this "Berceau Des Dieux" ? First, I have been really surprised by this massive clear and compact production which highlights each instrument very well (hmm .. maybe a little less the bass guitar, but that's just to say, it's not penalizing at all for the listening, it is not either "And Justice For All" on this point haha!) and especially the voice, which allows us to understand the texts distinctly, as long as you speak/understand French - of course !
The voice and that way to sing... I have seen some reviews complaining about the lack of "this", the lack of "that".. but I don't give it damn, I really love the way the singer acts, his voice is natural - no high-pitched screams, no over-the-top lyrical performances, no, it's sung with guts, with heart, favoring the melodious side of the thing and in the end, I think it's pretty refreshing !!!
Musically.... wow, it's obvious they worked hard, really hard since their last release in 2018, there's alot more cohesion in their songs, it's alot more mature and throughout these dynamic and catchy songs, no real timeouts, repetitions or ponderosity.. it's full of what makes Heavy Metal GREAT - epic sequences, unifying and unstoppable choruses, an undeniable melodic sensitivity, some wild Speed-Metal like riffs, melodic and full of feeling guitar-solos.. even a great power-ballad ("Baldr"), definitely in the purest 80's Heavy-Metal tradition...
At the end of the album comes a title somewhat different from the other songs, "l'Enfant de Gosthal", written by Yann Parpaix, member of PONCE PILATE, an old French Heavy-Metal band, which is more of an interlude, inspired by 80's horror/sci-fi movie music ... you will be wondering why such a song here, but as soon as you move on to the next (and last) title called "Heavy Metal", you will better understand that it is was there to let the pressure drop down to better give you the final and fatal kick .. this "Heavy Metal" here (with distinguished guests - Patrice from TITAN, Jey from HEXECUTOR, Iron Jeremy from IRON SLAUGHT) is simply intended to get you down on your knees and I hardly dare imagine the fatal impact on stage ! Speed-metal fury with an unstoppable chorus that makes you want to start an ultimate frenetic headbanging session !
As said, this album is for me one of the best releases of the genre to ever come out this year, this is fresh and 100% authentic, respectful of the great 80's HEAVY METAL tradition, without being a repetition, a copy, a tasteless release... TENTATION proves that it is still possible to release an inspired Heavy-Metal album in 2021 and it is clear that we have now to count on them as one of the safest values in France !
Caution : this album does not contain any makeups, big sunglasses, spandex !!!

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Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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