THE COURETTES (Dk) - 12.05.2022 - L'Ouvre-Boite - Beauvais (Fr)

Published: 13 May 2022
THE COURETTES (Dk) - 12.05.2022 - L'Ouvre-Boite - Beauvais (Fr)

No matter where you were yesterday night (humm.. better say "evening" as it started early.. "Afterwork show" at 7 pm), you were at the wrong place with the wrong people - ha ! Right place was in Beauvais at that great venue that is "L'Ouvre-Boite".. Right people were Flavia and Martin, two absolutely amazingly wonderfully friendly persons also known as the FABULOUS COURETTES - a 60's rock'n'roll/garage duo from Denmark, currently on tour a bit everywhere in Europe ... and I definitely URGE you to see them live if you have the chance to, while they're still on tour (Check remaining dates at the end of the report ! ), 'cos The COURETTES LIVE is a real experience to live, it's a MUST-SEE !


It was also a particular configuration for this evening, free entrance and ONE band only - in the middle of the week, a rather pleasant concept for those who want to go out to be entertained after work ... Let's hope this formula will find its audience in Beauvais .. 'cos as far as I'm concerned, i think it's a great idea ! Especially now, after all the lockdown shits we went through, we really need to get back to NORMAL !


7 pm... Flavia (Vox/Atomic Fuzz Guitar) and Martin (Loud as Hell Drums) jump on stage, apparently feeling pretty relaxed and happy to be there - ready to set the audience afire ! A short intro and The Courettes start the show with "Hoodoo Hop", one hell of a song, catchy, loud & noisy as fuck, on which Flavia screams her guts out while Martin hammers his drumkit like a maniac ! I'm like "wow, how can only two persons on stage create such an electric mayhem ?" It's crazy, the atmosphere is now getting hotter, the audience that first seemed to be rather quiet and shy, begins to move/dance & sing along... A few minutes only were enough for The Courettes to get the audience at their feet ! The band shows a great scenic ease, no surprise, they played so much concerts here and there for years that we know, from the beginning of the show, that the evening will be crazy !


The first part is made of songs from the first 2 albums, like their Hit-Song "The Boy I Love" (Sexy As Hell !), then "I've Been Walking" and "Time is Ticking", slower ones but with even more 60's sonorities - you got it ? We're now caught somewhere back in time for the evening ! After 4 songs, The Courettes concentrate their set on their latest album, "Back In Mono" released in october 2021 and throw nothing less than 6 songs "R.I.N.G.O.", "Until Your Mine" (with his sensual intro ... believe me, when Flavia starts singing "Until you're mine" while looking at you ... You feel like Quentin Tarantino facing Salma Hayek in that movie "From Dusk 'till Dawn" haha ! What a moment !) "Trash Can Honey", the fantastic "Want You ! Like A Cigarette" with its catchy melody, "Night Time (The Boy of Mine)", the pounding "Edge Of My Nerves" still with a kick ass chorus ! Then back to the first album, and that one is gonna be one of the hottest songs, i mean "We're Gonna Die" - probably the most direct/straight-ahead song.. a punch in your face, i even found there certain punk-rock touches à la RAMONES ! A-MA-ZING, it was hot as hell at this moment of the show ! Songs are linked, no time to rest, Flavia & Martin are the bosses, they know how to captivate the audience, not only with their music and with fury but also their humour that was very well appreciated ! Such a great atmosphere ! As if it's not enough.. "BOOM ! Dynamite", the title says it all, right ? Then, they nailed us with some more songs.. "T-C-H-A-U", "Strawberry boy" - even if this one is alot slower and more languid, they even got some people in the audience dancing together ! Beautiful !), "All About you" and to finish ... "Hop The Twig" definitely taking us by storm !
BUT.. none of us wanted to see them go.. We wanted more, we got more !!! And nothing less that the already-classic "Misfits & Freaks" with his incredible 60's vibe... Flavia's vocal lines are absolutely irresistible, so are the melodies, complete "ear-gasm".. and to finish (this time, for good.. sad !) "Won't let You Go" !!!


During almost 90 minutes, we were not in 2022 anymore, not living in this chaotic time anylonger, we were stuck somewhere in time, when life seemed to be easier and that world alot less fucked-up.. Thanks so much for the trip Flavia & Martin, you were absolutely brilliant !
The Couretttes breathe rock'n'roll, the good old way, it's something that comes from the heart and guts, not another "renewal" trend, they have everything, the attitude, that good old raw sound, these simple and sometimes naive melodies that know how to touch hearts and souls ! No I won't let you go and I want to see you live again as soon as possible ! 

Follow the Band

Perfection is in the details.. I think I love The Courettes even more for this !


Catch THE COURETTES somewhere on the road !

14.05 La Manufacture - St Quentin - FR
17.05 Loppen – Copenhagen - DK
21.05 Cannonball Festival - Næstved - DK
27.05 Munster Raving Loony Party – Tarragona - ES
28.05 Surforama Festival – Valencia - ES
01.06 The Louisiana – Bristol - GB
02.06 The Wedgewood Rooms – Portsmouth - GB
03.06 Margate Mod/Sixties Weekender @ Olby's – Margate- GB
04.06 Red Rooster Festival – Thetford - GB
05.06 Katie Fitzgeralds – Stourbridge- GB
06.06 The Parish – Huddersfield - GB
07.06 Esquires - Bedford - GB
08.06 The Moth – London -GB
09.06 The Albert – Brighton - GB
10.06 Westgarth Social Club – Middlesbrough- GB
11.06 McChuills - Glasgow - GB
12.06 Voodoo Rooms Ballroom - Edinburgh - GB
13.06 Marc Riley BBC6 Session – Manchester - GB
14.06 The Cluny – Newcastle - GB
15.06 Zanzibar – Liverpool - GB
16.06 Night & Day – Manchester - GB
17.06 Chambers – Folkestone - GB
18.06 The Moonraker – Southend ( GB
23.06 Burgerweeshuis - Deventer - NL
24.06 Mezz - Breda - NL
25.06 Kliko Festival - Haarlem - NL
26.06 Café de Walrus - Groningen - NL
08.07 dBs – Ultrecht - NL
09.07 Kaffee t Hof - Middelburg - NL
10.07 Sjock Fest – Gierle, Belgium - BE
15.07 The Container Bar Underground - Odense - DK
23.07 Le Festif! – Quebec - CA
29.07 Karolinelund – Aalborg - DK
30.07 Grønnegades Kaserne udendørs – Næstved - DK
03.08 Smukfest - Skanderborg - DK
25.08 Lux – Hannover - DE
26.08 Wild at Heart – Berlin - DE
27.08 Political Festival of Mariager – Mariager - DE
09.09 The Hush Hush Club - Jönköping - SE
10.09 Odal Rock Club - Austvatn - NO
01.10 Den Gamle Biograf – Mariager - DK
13.10 The Tube - Düsseldorf - DE
14.10 Gleiss 22 – Munster- DE
27.10 Subrosa - Dortmund - DE
28.10 Hafenklang - Hamburg - DE
29.10 Saunaclub – Wolfsburg - DE
03.11 Walters Musikcafe – Skanderborg- DK
04.11 Fermaten, Herning - DK
05.11 Pavillonen - Grenå - DK
10.11 Slagelse Musikhus – Badeanstalten- DK
11.11 Tapperiet – Køge- DK
18.11 Tobakken – Esbjerg - DK
24.11 Posten – Odense - DK
25.11 Taastrup Teater - Taastrup - DK
26.11 Harders - Svendborg - DK



Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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