SAMEDI : BAGARRE - Time To Let It Loose ! (Punk-Rock - Interview with Math).

26 February 2025
SAMEDI : BAGARRE - Time To Let It Loose ! (Punk-Rock - Interview with Math).
Express interview to help you discover as many of today's most interesting bands as possible - this time, SAMEDI : BAGARRE (which translates as “Saturday : Brawl”), Punk-Rock from France - Interview with Math (Bass).

- Please, introduce yourself and tell us how it all began ?
It all started pretty simply: we were in a bar in Strasbourg, having a few beers, when Romain (guitarist in Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel, a prog stoner band) and Baloo (who also played in Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel) said to me : ‘Hey Math, what about joining us to play some punk rock in a basement?’ At that time, I had been playing guitar in a thrash metal band, but I had stepped back from music for a few years. So, I gradually got back into it… but this time on bass!
We did a few sessions with our first drummer, but he had to leave. That’s when we met Stef, drummer of Yojimbo, an Alsatian stoner rock band, and he joined us.
The line-up was finally complete, and just as we were getting serious… the global pandemic hit! We took advantage of that time to write music, rehearse, and try to stay active during that strange period.


- Describe your sound and explain why I should listen to YOUR band at all costs ?
Well, I wouldn’t say you must listen to us at all costs… We’re fully aware that today’s music scene is overflowing with tons of projects in every possible style. Punk rock has almost become a niche thing. Sometimes we feel like dinosaurs: we’re in our 40s, still rehearsing in a basement with tube amps, doing it old school. These days, a lot of bands start in a bedroom with just an audio interface and a few plugins. And hey, why not? Some great stuff comes out of that… but that’s not really our DNA.
What we love is playing loud, sharing our passion for punk rock (and pizza), getting people moving, sparking a few smiles, and sometimes raising questions about society—without being an overtly political band.
As for our sound, we’re not trying to reinvent the wheel, but we do our best to make it sound great. We’re heavily inspired by bands like Hot Water Music, Lagwagon, and Uncommonmenfrommars, and we try to capture that vibe.

- Lyrical and musical inspirations/influences ? How important are the lyrics for you ? Are there any specific messages or thoughts you try to develop and share through your lyrics ?
Our influences are quite broad, but we’re clearly rooted in 90s culture: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, pizza, kung-fu movies, and of course, the punk rock and metal of that era shaped us for life… We’re still teenagers at heart when it comes to that! Lyrics aren’t always at the core of our music, but on certain tracks, we like to question and reflect on important topics such as toxic masculinity, conspiracy theories, and political engagement. On the flip side, we also have lighter songs about partying, drinking beers, and throwing big high kicks (yes, we’re into martial arts). Sometimes, we add samples to give our songs a bit of extra color.

- About your latest release ?
In November 2024, we released our first vinyl, a double EP titled "Punk-Fu" and "Kicks and Kegs". You can find it on all streaming platforms and in our merch store ! "Punk-Fu" brings together our first six tracks, recorded in 2022 at Kawati Studio in Strasbourg (big thanks to Sam, Ben, & Jérém!) — a key moment to lay the foundation for our sound.
"Kicks and Kegs" was recorded at the beginning of 2024 at Cube Studio in Besançon (thanks Yann & Seb!). This studio is a reference in the French punk rock scene, having worked with many bands. There, we took the time to refine the arrangements, work on the vocals, add backing vocals, and even some synth parts with Seb's help.
Studio sessions are crucial for us. Working with people we appreciate and having the chance to exchange ideas creatively is what motivates us most. We love taking time to think about the artistic direction, experiment with new ideas… In the end, it’s all about sharing moments around music, chatting about anything and everything, cooking, and drinking beers. These simple, convivial moments are essential — it’s often in those moments that new ideas are born.
When it comes to visuals, I take care of most of them. For our EPs, we wanted something simple but meaningful, with a photo that captures the overall vibe of the record.


- Future plans ?
For 2025, we already have some gigs planned in the region, but we’re also looking to play a few shows outside the Grand Est. We’re planning to hit the studio to record a new track that should be out this summer, with the idea of releasing it along with a music video.
Also, we were lucky enough to be selected by a film school. Students are currently working on the music video for our track "Stop Being a Dick".

- Your most insane dream with the band would be ?
We don’t really have any crazy dreams with the band. We just want to share our music with as many people as possible while still having fun with what we do. But if you insist… of course, we’d love to play some big festivals and perform abroad someday!

- Your BEST & WORST concert and why ?
Our best concert? I’d say it was at the Rock'n'Stein Festival in Lembach. It was an outdoor festival, and the weather was rough, with storms and rain during the day. The festival started under the rain, but soon enough, the sky cleared. Despite the conditions (huge shoutout to the tech team for handling it so well!), the crowd showed up in great numbers, and they were super motivated. It was a lot of fun! And the festival setting was amazing—right at the foot of a 12th-century castle!
Our worst concert? I don’t know if we’ve ever had a truly “bad” concert, but I’d probably say our very first one. The stress of that debut gig caused a few mistakes… like me forgetting to take my amp off standby at the start of the set!

- Next live appearance(s) ?
March 14th in Strasbourg, for the Music Shoot Fest. And more to come in May, this summer, and hopefully at the end of the year !


- Some words on your local scene - bands you're friends with and you'd like to name ?
In Strasbourg, we have a buzzing local scene. We rehearse at the Plateforme Artefact at La Laiterie, which supports emerging bands. Of course, we’ve got lots of friends… we can’t name them all here, but for blues fans, we highly recommend Thomas Schoeffler Jr and Dirty Deep. And for stoner rock, definitely check out Los Disidentes Del Sucio Motel and Yojimbo.

- Last word is yours..
In conclusion, though it may sound cliché, it’s so essential: a huge thanks to webzines like this one for continuing to exist in 2025! And an immense thank you to the public that still shows up to support concerts and buy merchandise. The music world, just like the culture scene in general, is going through a tough time in France, with bands, concert venues, and studios struggling. This world, and culture in general, more than ever needs an active and present audience!

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Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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