PEACEMAKER - Rebuilding The Future (Hard-Core - Interview with Jarek)

07 March 2025
PEACEMAKER - Rebuilding The Future (Hard-Core - Interview with Jarek)
Express interview to help you discover as many of today's most interesting bands as possible - this time, PEACEMAKER, Hard-Core from Poland - Interview with Jarek (Bass).

- Please introduce yourself and let me know how it all began with the band ? Who am I talking to ?
You’re talking to Jarek “Devil” – bass/backing vocal. We’re from Rawicz – a smalltown in south-west Poland.
It’s a simple story. Kucol (vocal) and I we listened to (and still listen to) a ton of heavy music. And one day in 1996  we just decide to start our own band - that’s how it began. The lineup has changed a lot, we’ve had breaks, hiatuses — we’ve lost count of how many. But we’re still here, and we’re not giving up. Our current line-up is Kucol – vocal, Łukasz – guitar, Kuba – drums and me Jarek "Devil" – bass/backing vocals.

- Describe your sound and explain why I should listen to YOUR band at all cost ?
You can describe our music as a mix of downtuned metallic hardcore, death metal, beatdown and grindcore. Why you should listen to our band at all cost? If you like something uncompromising, heavy, aggressive, non-commercial, not following current fashion and trends - our music is for you.

- Lyrical and musical inspirations/influences ? How important are the lyrics for you ? Are there any specific messages or thoughts you try to develop and share through your lyrics ? 
Musically, we're inspired by all kinds of heavy music that kicks ass . I won't mention the names of bands because the list would go on forever... Lyrically - the inspiration is the world around us and its dark side. However, we do not preach in our lyrics - it is simply our own commentary.


- About your latest release ? 
"Internal Revolution" was released 31.10.2024 by small, independent label Spook Records. This album is some kind of summary of the band's activity from 2017 to 2024. It was recorded in 2024, mixed and mastered by Jarek Wysocki at Soundscope Recording Studio Wroclaw. The cover was designed by a friend of ours - Mieszko Jankowski (member of death metal band Morrath). “Internal revolution” is available on CD audio and of course on streaming platforms.

- Future plans ? 
Life has taught us not to make long-term plans. Right now, our main focus is promoting or last album as much as possible.

- Your most insane dream with the band would be ?
Most insane ? I don’t know… Maybe to play some gigs in Australia and New Zealand 😉. It's so far away and they have a ton of cool bands we could play with... 😊


- Your BEST & WORST concert - as a band - and why ?
Yes, there were some really shitty shows. But we quickly forgot about them, so we won't mention them…. And we believe that the best concert is yet to come !

- Next live-appearance(s) ?
The nearest plans are for April, but we are still working out the details. So we will provide full info on our social media soon.


- Some words on your local scene - bands you're friends with and you'd like to name ? 
Check out Mortemorium (our guitarist’s Łukasz deathcore/death metal band) and 71TONMAN (our drummer's Kuba doom/sludge band). We also recommend the following bands: Morrath (death metal), NONSANTO (grindcore), Place on Earth (crust punk), MØLD (powerviolence), Six Steps Forward (modern hardcore) and Hexendecimal (groove metal).

- Last word is yours.. 
First of all - big thanks to you Fab for the interview - we really appreciate it. And of course - thanks to all who support us - without you we won't be here....

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Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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