HARD PASS - F*ck Adversities - Fight Back ! (Hardcore - Interview with Ronnie).

19 December 2024
HARD PASS - F*ck Adversities - Fight Back ! (Hardcore - Interview with Ronnie).
Express interview to help you discover as many of today's most interesting bands as possible - this time, HARD PASS, Hardcore from Sweden - Interview with Ronnie (Vocals).

- Please introduce yourself and let me know how it all began with the band ? Why the need to form THIS band ?
Hello My name is Ronnie, I am the singer of the band. We all live in Malmö.
I met Magnus and Mathias a long time ago, in the mid/late 90’s. They both play/played in Satanic Surfers and I toured with them, selling merch and driving the van. I know Calle from his other band Manic Ride. The 3 others had a band together before Hard Pass that more or less just fizzled out.
Magnus, Mathias and I had talked about having a band together, as one does, and all of sudden the stars aligned and we had our first rehearsal in May 2023.
The current and only line up of this band is Me on Vocals, Calle on Drums, Mathias on Bass and Magnus on Guitar. 
We all have played in hundreds of bands, here are just some of them : Burst, Anchor, Satanic Surfers, Revenge, Intensity, Pyramido.
Why the need to form this band ? Hmm, does the world need another fast hardcore band with old white males ? Probably not ... Do I/We need it ? Yes ! The weekly get-togethers are extremely fun and rewarding for me and I guess the same for the others. Letting off some steam, screaming my heart out, having some fun with my friends and hoping people hear it in our music.

- Describe your sound and explain why I should listen to YOUR band at all cost ?
I guess Swedish/American fast Hardcore punk, we all like bands like Totalitär, Poison Idea and Disrupt. I hope you wanna listen to our band because of the music and lyrics, but if you don’t that is ok too (but you'll miss something ha ! Ed.).


- Lyrical and musical inspirations/influences ? How important are the lyrics for you ? Are there any specific messages or thoughts you try to develop and share through your lyrics ? 
Inspirations are mixed, We all like a lot of different music genres and I think it shows. The precision of a Totalitär riff, with the brutality of early Entombed, the songwriting of the Feel the Darkness era of Poison Idea and so on. The lyrics are important, I feel like a band gets better with good lyrics that say something, or stand for something. The specifics of the lyrics are varied, from all animals rights to personal day-to-day feelings which need an outlet, and how crazy is it to even sing about stopping wars in 2024, the world is not in a great place right now. 

- About your latest release ? 
We have a demo cassette (sold out) with 5 songs, recorded in December last year and released by ourselves in early february 2024. It was also released as 7” in early May by local heroes Quarantined Records and De:Nihil Records
We are also on the great Swedish Comp LP - Welcome to Sweden II, released by Quarantined Records with 1 Song. 
That's all we have recorded so far. New songs are being made and we are trying to record them in the near future/as soon as we can. We are going to record them in our rehearsal space like all the songs we have released so far. I will be doing the recording job and I’m guessing our MatteP is going to mix them, ‘cause he did a great job last time. 
Both the 7” and Comp. Lp is available at these places : QUARANTINE HARDCORE - DENIHIL Records - HARD PASS !

- Future plans ? 
Recording the new songs and playing more live.


- Your most insane dream with the band would be ?
Playing with Poison Idea in 1991 maybe ? (Sounds good yeah ! Ed.) 

- Your BEST & WORST concert - as a band - and why ? 
Best was the last show we played with Alarm! here in Malmö in a small pub, Great times!
Worst? Don't know? I feel like we have had ok shows, as we’ve only played 8 times live so far. So knock on wood…

- Next live-appearance(s) ?
Nothing planned right now. 

- Some words on your local scene - bands you're friends with and you'd like to name ? 
Our local scene is good, including the Copenhagen scene here.  A lot of good bands like Manic Ride, Hårda Tider, Kasshuve, Larma, The Arson Project, Moral End, Big Babe, Ursut, Night Fever, Indre Krig

- Last word is yours.. 
T-shirts And Records And Hard To The Core And Distortion And Screams And Fight War Not Wars - Free Palestine !

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Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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